Poetic complication, the moon phase, naturally found its place at 6 o’clock to harmoniously complete the Galet collection. With a self-winding mechanical movement, this mythical and mesmerizing horological complication displays the different cycles of the moon as we see it in the sky, on a guilloché dial.


The evocative name of Galet, means “pebble” in French, and recall the shape of the watch with its gentle angles, formed by the long-term erosive action of swirling and tumbling against each other in flowing water. It evokes nature as a smooth flow rounded by the action of water.

The Moonphase on the dial further emphasize the notion of purity and simplicity, evoking calm and well-being.

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Available in men and women sizes, the collection is designed for horophiles in harmony with Mother Nature. The Galet Moonphase showcases Roman or Arabic numerals on a guilloché or full diamond dial. The height of sophistication, the case is available in one row of diamonds or full diamonds.


3000 M SC AT FO L R D 1R


3000 M SC AT FO L R D3