Having just completed renovation of one wing of its Grand Malagny château, the Franck Muller Group has already launched another massive building project on its Genthod premises. Between now and January 2018, two of the three buildings of which the current ensemble consists will be replicated in order to maintain the neogothic style that is an integral part of the Franck Muller DNA. With the building of these new buildings, accessed by large staircases, the group is creating 16,000 m² of additional work area, which will allow it to centralise its activities and regroup part of its component manufacturing facility currently located in Meyrin. These two new buildings, featuring a style reminiscent of Versailles, will accentuate the unique character of the Watchland estate, with its magnificent view over Lake Geneva and the Mont Blanc.

One of Geneva’s historical monuments as a showcase

One of Geneva’s historical monuments as a showcase. In addition to the Grand Malagny estate, Franck Muller has acquired another key element of Geneva’s historic heritage: the Tour de l’Île. Located in Geneva’s highly sought-after Saint-Gervais district, this is the sole remaining element of a château built in the 13th century. In 1896, a new Art Deco-inspired building was attached to it as part of a huge renovation. Franck Muller took over the ground floor of this semi detached building in 1996 in order to create its Delisle boutique with its famous colourful windows. The group purchased the entire architectural structure in 2015 after being a tenant until then and is preparing to commence a large renovation operation in order to expand its boutique and extend it throughout the entire tower.